Whats the ideal tenperature that us good for the starter? I know my house is cool and i like it that way. I am placing it inside my oven but i cant jeep the light on because the light itself will take the oven up over 100F
I think it’s 70°F. I tried in my oven with the door a little bit open it’s 80 and more degree. In my microwave its under 70 ° F . But I think in my pantry gonna be the winner my thermometer is at 70..9°
Aileen this is a good article to read:
@sinlesssourdough@gmail.com what is it you are wanting me to take from this. One place says spring water and another place says mineral water. I’m doing my best to keep my starter over 70F. Nowhere in my house is that temp I’m just under at 69. Some places are 66F ( on top of my fridge which I thought would be warmer. )
My starter has bubbles that are now bigger however the article says I should see some rise and there is none. Not even a tiny bit. I’m at a loss. I can’t keep my oven door open with light on 24/7. I’m thinking about putting in my multicooker on yogurt setting but first I need to see temp of that