Nancy Larente
I made my preferment and let it ferment for 48 hours with the intention of baking it today. Unfortunately, I can’t do it today. If I bake my bread tomorrow, can I leave it on the counter or is it better to put it in the fridge?”
Christa LoughlinView more comments-
Yes, put it in the fridge. And then bring it out and let it sit for a few hours before you start to bake that way. It won’t be too too tangy. Please be sure to post some pictures!
Okay, I’m going to put it in the fridge and I’m a little bit apprehensive and excited to make my first bread lol
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HI everyone. I’d like to introduce you to Hootchie Mama. She’s four days old but, contrary to her name, she doesn’t produce any hootch yet , just tons of pretty bubbles maybe I should change her name for bubbly mama lol. But soon she’ll overflow her jar. Since I don’t see any hootch, I understand she’s not ready yet?
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Nancy, having hootch simply means that Hootchie mama needs to be fed. The fact that she has no hootch means you are feeding her diligently. She looks BEAUTIFUL!!!
“Oh, I thought I was doing something wrong because I didn’t have any hootch. So she’s almost ready since she’s almost at the top of the jar.
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