Christa Loughlin
Hi ladies! Super excited to share “Carrie Breadshaw’s” first born loaf.
I’m pleased with how it turned out, but I do need to get a much sharper paring knife for scoring.
I love the flavor, but I’m not completely used to the tanginess yet. I know I will get there as I travel down this whole new adventurous journey, and thanks Shari for the tip on…
Christine Rothman-
Look’s beautiful, Christa!!! I know what you mean about the ‘tang’. I left my preferment for 48 hours the first time around and the result was too tangy for me…Jay loved it though. This time around I’m doing 24 hours to see what that’s like. If still too much tang, I’ll add some monk fruit to the shaggy dough next time as well.
Hi Everyone! 👋
I was a tad late with my low-carb sourdough starter so she’s not quite as far along as some of yours, but I still wanted to introduce you to her!
I’d love for you to meet Carrie Breadshaw! 🤭👠
I know she still has a lot of growing to do, but I’m super excited to see what happens with all the delicious recipes we’re going make!…
Christa the first batch will be the weakest as your dear little friend is getting to know your environment. Preferment for 48 hours on the counter to boost up the lacto goodness. This will compensate for the weakness for the first batch
Love her name! Your next one could be Mr Big.😂