• Hi ladies! Super excited to share “Carrie Breadshaw’s” first born loaf.

      I’m pleased with how it turned out, but I do need to get a much sharper paring knife for scoring.

      I love the flavor, but I’m not completely used to the tanginess yet. I know I will get there as I travel down this whole new adventurous journey, and thanks Shari for the tip on adding a bit of monk fruit sweetener when I make my shaggy dough.

      That’s what I’m going to do for my next loaf to see how it changes the flavour profile.😘

      This has been such a fun, new journey and I’m excited to learn even more delicious recipes.

      Christine Rothman
      • Look’s beautiful, Christa!!! I know what you mean about the ‘tang’. I left my preferment for 48 hours the first time around and the result was too tangy for me…Jay loved it though. This time around I’m doing 24 hours to see what that’s like. If still too much tang, I’ll add some monk fruit to the shaggy dough next time as well.

        • @crothman32 Thanks, Christine, it’s been so much fun exploring this whole new world of sourdough. My 2nd loaf is going in the oven tonight! I’ll post a pic when she’s done! 🙂

        • Gorgeous, I did my scoring with a simple razor blade since I did have a good paring knife.

          • @famillerodriguehotmail-com Nancy, it’s funny you say that. My proofing bowl came with a razor knife thingy, but it really didn’t seem to work that well and kept popping off the stick. I thought I stood a higher risk of gouging my eyeball out with a flying razor blade so I went back to the dull paring knife! HA HA HA!