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Great Job!!!!!
That is a gorgeous loaf, Aileen. I’m trying a 24 hr preferment this go round as well. It’s fun playing around with timing and tweaking. It makes each loaf an exciting mystery for the tastebuds! 😉 Great job!!!
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Looks good! Yes, it’s ready to roll!!!
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I can’t wait for it to cool down. 40 minutes is way too long, I did one row with egg wash and the other with butter and Celtic salt on both.
Those look ah-may-zing, Nancy!!! Brava!!!😍🙌
Wow, Nancy they look F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!!! You really have this down!
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Me again For the preferment, is it preferable to use the starter when you have just fed it, right before feeding it, or does it not matter?
It doesn’t matter as you are adding the starter to a cup of flour LOADED with starch, protein, carbs, etc. It’s a cup of FOOD! for the starter. If you leave the preferment on the counter for 48 hours you’ll see that it starts behaving like a traditional starter. It doubles in size and becomes really fluffy!
I have bread booster, how much should I use in the bread recipe? It says 1-2% of the flour? Do we count only de flour or the oat fiber and vital wheat count ?
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Shari talks about the bread booster but it isn’t available on Amazon
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Start with 1 teaspoon and see how it works.
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Happy face with 3 eyes. I was worried because it was heavy kike a hockey puck but it has alot of spring. 48 hours for preferment is too strong for me. I also really need to grab 00 flour
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Keep up the good work! With dedication and practice, we will continue to grow and improve and find our preferences. My first 2 loaf was with 00 flour now I ‘m trying with sprouted spelt flour.
I just used whole wheat.
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Christine. WOW!!!! What a beauty. You’ve got it!!!!!! I’m posting a video soon. When you get down to the last slice which can sometime be a little stale, make sourdough croutons for your salads! Great way to get your fiber. Cut into cubes and fry til golden in olive oil with some salt. Yummy!!!
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That’s looks fabulous, Christine!! Great job! (And I love me some croutons, too! Can’t wait to try making them!!) 🙂
Hi ladies! Super excited to share “Carrie Breadshaw’s” first born loaf.
I’m pleased with how it turned out, but I do need to get a much sharper paring knife for scoring.
I love the flavor, but I’m not completely used to the tanginess yet. I know I will get there as I travel down this whole new adventurous journey, and thanks Shari for the tip on…
Look’s beautiful, Christa!!! I know what you mean about the ‘tang’. I left my preferment for 48 hours the first time around and the result was too tangy for me…Jay loved it though. This time around I’m doing 24 hours to see what that’s like. If still too much tang, I’ll add some monk fruit to the shaggy dough next time as well.
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Gorgeous, I did my scoring with a simple razor blade since I did have a good paring knife.
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I have a question. I’ve always kept my vital wheat gluten and my oat fiber in the fridge. Can this have a negative impact? I keep them in the refrigerator because I didn’t use them much, but now I’m going to use them on a regular basis. Should I take them out of the fridge?
For vital wheat gluten, transfer the product to an airtight container immediately after opening. Store it in a cool, dry pantry away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations, ideally between 50-70°F. When stored properly, opened vital wheat gluten can last 6-12 months. You can also freeze it for extended storage, dividing it into… Read more
Whats the ideal tenperature that us good for the starter? I know my house is cool and i like it that way. I am placing it inside my oven but i cant jeep the light on because the light itself will take the oven up over 100F
I think it’s 70°F. I tried in my oven with the door a little bit open it’s 80 and more degree. In my microwave its under 70 ° F . But I think in my pantry gonna be the winner my thermometer is at 70..9°
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Aileen this is a good article to read:
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